The Bullingdon Community Association covers the Churchill and Lye Valley wards of Oxford City Council: Lye Valley, Slade Park, Wood Farm and the area around Girdlestone Road. Please see the map of our area of benefit. Local people from this area can rent out space in our hall at a lower rate for community activities. The Bullingdon Community Centre is one of a small number of community facilities which includes space for meetings and events locally. Lye Valley ward is mainly residential but also includes a number of large student accommodation blocks. We are reasonably served by walking, cycling and bus routes.
Churchill ward includes Wood Farm, with the Wood Farm school and the Wood Farm Youth Centre. This part of the area has the higher concentration of council housing, although growth of private ownership and private rented accommodation has been substantial in the period since the Right to Buy policy was introduced for council housing in 1980. Wood Farm school has changed gradually to be highly diverse, with a larger number of first languages than any other school in Oxford. Younger children in Lye Valley ward also attend Tyndale Community school, St Francis or Our Lady’s.
Parks, play areas and open spaces in the Churchill and Lye Valley wards are numerous and generally modest in size, with three important exceptions.
These include the beautiful Lye Valley with a nature reserve and two Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Wood Farm includes Magdalen Woods, which is well-used by residents. We also benefit from the neighbouring large Shotover Country Park and Site of Special Scientific interest. All three larger sites are heavily used by local people for walking, dog walking and recreation.
Oxford City Council maintains ward profiles and other information about the Churchill and Lye Valley wards, on its website. For examples, see here for Churchill ward and herefor Lye Valley ward.