Membership is open to all irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, age, disability race, nationality or political religious or other opinions. We encourage people, particularly those living within our area of benefit, to become members and support the work of the Association.

Our area of benefit covers Lye Valley and Churchill wards. Click here to see if you live within this area. 

We offer four types of membership:

Full members are individuals aged 18 or over, who live in our area of benefit, and agree with BCA aims. Annual membership £5 per year. Members can attend management meetings and vote at our AGM.

Associate members are individuals aged 18 and over, who live outside our area of benefit, and agree with BCA aims. Annual membership is £5 per year. Associate members can attend management meetings and our AGM but do not have a vote.

Junior members are individuals aged under 18, who live inside or outside our area of benefit, and agree with BCA aims. They may attend management meetings and our AGM but do not have a vote.

Affiliate membership is open to groups meeting BCA aims. They elect their own representative who may attend Management meetings and have one vote at our AGM. Affiliated membership is £15 per year. If you and your group would like to join as an Affiliated member please see our 'Affiliated membership policy' on our 'Constitution and policies' page (in the 'About us' section), or by clicking here. If you meet our criteria, then please submit your details below. 

Click here to see our hire charges and hire policies.

The Bullingdon Community Association is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organization in England and Wales (CIO: charity registration number 1200270)
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